Why Self-Care? – Guest blog by Crystal Everhart of Vanilla Lotus Healing

Why self-care?

Let’s talk about self-care.  What is self-care and why do I need it?  Self-care is vital for a rich and full life.  Taking care of yourself allows for every aspect of your life to have balance.  If you are not taking care of yourself and doing all the daily things life asks of you then you eventually feel depleted of energy.  Energy allows us to function and taking care of ourselves on a daily basis allows that energy to flow consistently.  If you continuously have low energy you will eventually have physical and even mental illnesses occur. When we are taking care of ourselves our energy is high and we can make good decisions, fulfill dreams or goals, and care for our children and others without depleting our own energetic resources.

So what does self-care consist of?  Eating well and getting enough sleep are a couple of important things we can do.  There are others that you can also add into your daily routine to optimize your energy.  Below are a few:


Get a massage

Take a bath

Get a pedicure

Get a reiki session

Find time alone



As you can see not all of them require a monetary commitment mostly it’s your time you have to give up.  Is your time worth having more energy and feeling more balanced?  We always say we don’t have “the time” but really we have time for what is important.  So put yourself back on that important list in your life and you’ll find that it changes is really good ways.  All you have to do is figure out what works for you by starting with your own interests and activities that make you feel better.  Then take small steps to implementing the active self-care into your life.  You will be amazed at how much better you feel!

~  Crystal Everhart

Vanilla Lotus Healing

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